Friday, February 19, 2010

Baby Quilt

Well, I made a blanket for Isabella last time around.  I thought she might be willing to let me use it for her little brother this time, but it seems she is quite attached to it.  So I ventured out to JoAnn's to get some fabric.  And here is what I came up with:

I plan on making a square quilt as opposed to one that "fits" the crib.  My reasons are 1) blankets are not usable for babies in a crib and are dangerous so I want it to be useful besides that. 2) once we do use it in the crib I find that the actual crib sized blankets are too narrow and don't wrap the baby well since they kick it off so easily anyway 3) if it is square there is no right or wrong end so I won't have to worry about it 4) its much easier to plan a quilt that is square. :o).

As you can see I went the primary route with bedding (for both Isabella and Alexander) because I like it and it will be useful beyond the toddler years.

Here is a link to an "easy" quilt to make that I used as a reference/starting point.

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